
Showing posts from October, 2017

Transformation of Sentences

Transformation of Sentences Rule-1: Sentences having universal values, habitual facts and historical facts must follow the meaning of the sentences before changing from one to another. Example: Man is mortal. (Negative) = Man is not immortal. Or, No man is immortal. He is wise. (Negative) = He is not unwise. Exercise: The boy is active. (Negative) The wind is favorable. (Negative) Rice grows in hot climate. (Negative) Rule-2: Sometimes there is no ………, but can help us to make a sentence negative. Example: A mother loves her child. (Negative) = There is no mother but loves her child. Everybody likes her flowers. (Negative) = There is nobody but likes flowers. Everybody has some needs. (Negative) = There is nobody but has some needs. Rule-3: If any affirmative sentence starts with “every” and if the verb of that sentence can be changed, “no” can be used instead of “every”. Example: Every man must fall prey to death. (Negative) No man can avoid...